(Total running time: 1 hour 56 minutes)

For use by churches, synagogues, universities,
high schools, and libraries.

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with study guide
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Order our documentary,
"Three Faiths One God: Judaism, Christianity and Islam"
on DVD or VHS with study guide for
$199.95 (plus $6.95 S&H) + $1.00 S&H for each additional DVD

Call toll free 1-800-361-1550

"Three Faiths One God"
and it's accompanying study guide
is an ideal resource for interfaith dialogue
and educational outreach in congregations,
schools and community groups.

Note: Both study guides, written by Marvin Wilson, Ph.D., are time-coded for classroom use. The questions under each separate theme are in two sections. The opening set of questions is tied directly to specific scenes, visuals and/or the commentary or narration provided by scholars, religious leaders or laypeople. Each of these questions is time coded, allowing the teacher, student or discussion leader to replay, if desired, the appropriate part of the documentary from which the question derives.

The second set of questions under each theme is titled, "For Further Discussion." These questions seek to place the themes of the documentary in a broader context so the study material can be thought through and applied in other areas.